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Writer's pictureSarah Campbell

Jennifer’s quilt

Firstly, massive, massive congratulations to Barak Obama and every American who voted for him. The energy and excitement of election night was palpable even here on the isle of Lismore. Although not intended, I found myself glued to BBC election night ’til 2.30 in the morning with a smile as broad as a Cheshire cat and and a great warmth in my heart. I think this may be the man who can inspire us all to solve the enormous wounds of this earth through listening not talking, understanding not rash judgement and through words rather than war. At last.

Throughout the election wonder, I was making a patchwork quilt as a wedding present for our primary head teacher Jennifer. I say quilt, but really it is more of a patchwork throw. I knew I would be pushed for time and a day was allocated to the job. I had been given messages on notepaper form the children (there are only six) and decided to write the messages on to branches in a leaf and berry design on tweed.

Shayne's square

Shayne's square

I started by deciding which colours to use and then cutting out equal numbers of squares. Again Selvedge magazine came in very handy as a template.


Then twigs, messages and berries were embroidered on to the appropriate squares and they were sewn together.

Kara's square

Kara's square

I tried to copy the individual writing style of each child. I wish they were further on with joined up writing but sadly no.

Sewing squares together

Sewing squares together

Once all squares were embroidered and sewn together piping was attached and a lovely plum backing added.

Complete quilt

Complete quilt

The quilt was presented to Jennifer at the school coffee afternoon yesterday amongst  a throng of grannies, parents, children and home baking.



If any of you would like me to make a custom quilt for you or your friends. Please do give me a ring or email. I LOVE doing this kind of thing!

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