I’ve been having loads of fun recently making small things!
I’d never really entertained the idea of diddly bits until Nicky, who runs our local craft shop, Seahorse, suggested it. So…I made a set of brooches for “Origin“.

I’ve tried various approaches to corsage, peonies, poppies: none of which really worked in my estimation. Then I tried making these nests by creating tension in the felt via machine embroidery…and I love them! I spent a fair amount of time trying to put things in them and I have done on a couple of other brooches:

but I like them just plain. They remind me of something out of a Miro painting and I like their irregular undulations and the way the shadow and light plays with the colour of the threads and felt. I think this is why I am preferring them plain…because the details detract from the subtle colourplay. Anyway…they went down very well at the show… sold out on the second day!
Recently I have been making things with lavender because I have a huge bag of it sitting in the corner (left overs from a Sofa workshop marketing job).

These hearts draw their inspiration in part from the limestone pebbles and rocks found all over lismore with gashes of quartz running through them. I love the combination of hot orange and charcoal which I see often in the orange lichen on deep grey rocks.
I have to show you this pin cushion – another lavender fancy. It’s a bit of a departure from my usual style but I’m feeling the need for some light relief. So far they have proved very popular. Maybe we are all needing a break from the heavy stuff!

I’d best get back to work now
See you soon
xx Sarah